CMS has released a number of outreach materials directed at parents to raise awareness that year round enrollment is available for Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). The new tools and materials are part of CMS’ Connecting Kids to Coverage National Campaign. According to a CMS fact sheet, children and teens could qualify for coverage that includes regular check-ups, doctor and dentist visits, hospital care, shots, mental health services, and prescription drugs.
“Children and teens up to age 19 can qualify for coverage for free or at low-cost—and parents may be eligible too,” stated Center for Medicaid and CHIP (CMCS) Services Director Cindy Mann in a blog post. CMCS partnered with to promote CMS’ outreach tools and materials by hosting a post-Mother’s Day blog carnival. “When parents are covered, they can be more productive at work and their families will be more financially secure,” Mann said. “Healthy parents are better able to engage in child-focused activities—like playing outdoors and participating in school events. And when parents have coverage, it’s more likely that their eligible children will get covered too. And covered kids are more likely to get the preventive services they need.”
The materials include palmcards and posters that are available in a number of languages and styles. In addition, various television and radio public service announcements are available, as well as webinars that focus on enrolling eligible children and teens in Medicaid and CHIP, back-to-school and other outreach efforts, preventive dental services, and messages that motivate enrollment. The campaign’s materials also include an animated web video, as well as social media pages through Facebook and Twitter.
“Winter, spring, summer or fall—any season is appropriate for asking if children are eligible for no or low cost health insurance,” stated National Association of School Nurses Executive Director Donna Mazyck. “Enrollment is open all year round. If you are eligible and need health insurance, you have not missed out. Enroll now. There is no deadline, but why wait?”